Just need to clear up something regarding UKLSI:
Whilst they are indeed the best lowland search training group and set the standards for others ( OK - so I'm a bit biased in all this as I regularly help out) they follow the ALSAR laid down syllabus. They do not set or lay down standards for search. This is the role of ALSAR and LSDogs. UKLSI is merely a training provider - same as any other team/unit that provides training for others outside their own.
Again noting my bias, the benefit of UKLSI is that its trainers and participants are drawn from a number of teams/units and I personally believe that this brings a variety of experiences to the training which is beneficial for all involved. Having dog handlers and support training alongside ALSAR foot searchers and, as seems to be happening more often these days, police officers means that all participants benefit from different viewpoints. (And believe me, all these different participants have vastly different biases in their ways of thinking!)
My personal belief is that by running courses solely for LSDogs members you lose the opportunity to "teach" ALSAR members about your role, and to build better relationships with ALSAR teams. This is obviously essential if you are to work closely with them in the future. That said, if you are going to write a "Search Dog Advisors" course let me know - I'd love to help out.