Hi my names Ian and I've been with Cheshire Lowland Search and Rescue for a year and a half now, and when we decided to form a dog section I wanted in. My dog is an English Springer Spaniel named Pringle he was a rescued dog 2 years old when we got him he's now 4, we are new to all this searching with dogs but with the help of Joe our Trainer hopefully Pringle will make it, his obediece is brill but send him out after somebody forget it, he'll probably bring you back a Rabbit or Pheasant. Anyway my history is I work for a major chemical firm as a process operater in my spare time when I have any it is with SaR, I'm also a volunteer with St John ambulance, I'm also an Observer with Altrincham Advanced Motorists helping people to pass there Advanced driving test and finally I am also A motorsport Marshall at Oulton Park so there you have it all these activities and only get paid for one of them still wouldn't have it any other way
. Enclosed picture of my Dog Pringle