My name is Ira and I am from Moscow.
I want to tell about our group of volunteer, which engage searching work with their dogs.
![Wub [wub]](./images/smilies/wub.gif)
Our group include different dogs. My dog are wire foxterrier and metis.
My fox Nort
![Cool [cool]](./images/smilies/cool.gif)

My metis Leila
![Wink [wink]](./images/smilies/wink.gif)

Also we have two Dobermann, German shepard dog, another metis, Giant Schnauzer, two shiba inu, golden retriever and other.
The story of our work will be continued.
![Ninja [ninja]](./images/smilies/ph34r.gif)
And I go reading forum. Very interesting!