K9 SAR Insurance

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Re: K9 SAR Insurance

Postby lou » Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:32 am

I think it is paramount to point out here it is the public liability bit that is the problem.

Injury to the dog they won't ask you where you were or what dog was doing when it got hurt. I have claimed twice for my dogs for injuries on a shout and neither have asked what dog was doing at time.

The problem is what happens if an outside party is involved for example dog knocks someone over
, causes a crash, damages something belonging to someone etc etc. This is the area they all seem to shut of to offering when you mention that the dog is a working dog being a search dog even though no payment is received.

All four of mine are insured with Pet Plan. All of them have added bit that covers them for search yet pet plan if you ring them say they don't do it. I think maybe I got in before they realised and so now they have carried it on fir me. I check very carefully each renewal time!

I know others have insurance that does cover the dog whilst working so we should be able to let members know who it is worth going to.
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Re: K9 SAR Insurance

Postby StuartL » Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:38 am

I self-insure Echo and Diesel (i.e. I don't have insurance for them). I do this for both vet bills and public liability.

A more contentious issue is car insurance, being a legal requirement. Of course it's difficult for a car insurance company to determine whether you were on a callout or just going for a drive. Have our Berkshire SAR Dogs insurance policies included this in the past?

With regard to insurance in general, the only two things I insure are my house/mortgage (since I wouldn't have anywhere to live if I was out of work or it caught fire) and my car (because it's a legal requirement). Everything else I take the attitude that I'm better off saving the money I would pay on insurance and self insure... after all the insurance companies have done lots of complicated maths that means that they can take your premiums and after paying out all of the claims are still making money, therefore it can't be worth paying for the insurance policy in the first place.

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Re: K9 SAR Insurance

Postby zablong » Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:35 am

I too do not have insurance for my dogs, but they are covered for public liability via my membership with "Dogtrust", do I need to ask whether they cover SAR activities?
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Re: K9 SAR Insurance

Postby Daryl » Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:45 am

Yes please Zab
Daryl Toogood
Berkshire Search & Rescue Dogs

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Re: K9 SAR Insurance

Postby baileyhilldog » Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:48 pm

My dogs are insured with the NFU Mutual - the underwriters have stated that they will not cover Kasha whilst she is working and this includes voluntary search and rescue work. The policy states they will not cover "Any dog used for a business or profession except for guide and working with disabled dogs" and "Any dog listed under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, or replacement law." Murphy is insured separately for his work as a PAT dog. I do not know who their insurers or underwriters are however, and this is only 3rd party liability.

The Countryside Alliance will insure gun dogs for accident or injury, plus 3rd party liability to £1million. This costs £5.75/month and is with Petwise Insurance.

I would suggest the liability to third parties with a search and rescue dog is much lower than with a gundog!! The control many gun dog owners have over their dogs which have been professionally trained (i.e. not by the handler or "gun") leaves a little to be desired (imo!). Petwise Insurance may be worth speaking to you, if you haven't already done so!

I have a contact in the insurance industry I will speak with tomorrow, as he prides himself on being able to insure most eventualities!

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Re: K9 SAR Insurance

Postby Andy W. » Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:49 pm

My working Lab is insured with NFU Mutual too.

When I took out the policy (Sept 09) I asked about insurance for gun dog and SAR. Whilst not included in the basic insurance (which surprised me given the name) they said they would consider applications on a case by case basis. Importantly a dog only being trained for either discipline was considered only a pet until it started working for real i.e on shoots or call outs.

The insurance underwriting world is actually quite small so although many companies sell insurance the risk is carried by far fewer. (So Sainsburys and Tescos may actually have the same under writing syndicate behind them) Hence if an underwriter has a bad experience with working dogs and drops them, a seemingly disproportionate lot of polices will change as a result.

Stuart [ohmy] civil public liabilty is effectively unlimited (multi millions) so if your dog causes a death, you might have to sell the house and the car that are insured to cover legal costs and then the compensation! £1 million PLI for a dog is about £30 a year - still want to self insure? It is unlikley your household insurance will extend liability insurance to a pet outside the curtiledge of the house. (or in the road under a cyclist to put it simply).

Roland. Destiny had gastro enteritus two years ago, middle of the night coughing up blood and out of the back end as well. Two days in critical care and she survived. That one incident used up all of and then some more of the contributions i had paid to the insurance company for the previous 6 years. For as little as £12.98 a month (NFU) for Ella that bill was/is covered. I see a lot of rescue dogs and many times the pet insurance comes into play big time.

Sorry to be Plod for a moment, but if you defraud an insurance company (and get caught) you will probably never be able to get any type of insurance again so no car, household insurance to start....

I don't work for an insurance company either. [laugh]
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Re: K9 SAR Insurance

Postby RAYMONG31 » Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:19 pm

Kennel Club confirmed today that the cover extends to SAR activity.
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Re: K9 SAR Insurance

Postby Daryl » Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:28 pm

Hi Ray

What level of cover do you get?
Daryl Toogood
Berkshire Search & Rescue Dogs

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Re: K9 SAR Insurance

Postby Andy W. » Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:47 pm

This is pet insurance broker that is very highly regarded amongst some gun dog owners on their Forums. Might be worth a try?


Apparently don't panic at the mnetion of working dogs and are very friendly.
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Re: K9 SAR Insurance

Postby RAYMONG31 » Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:59 pm

Kennel Club plan is quite expensive but is comprehensive lifetime.
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